Monday, January 26, 2009



When I brought Riley in from our day of errands, I noticed she had made a bubble beard:) Maybe she was trying to be like Grampa Evans?? Needless to say, we are sure proud of her new talent...Riley, I think, would just like her mom to hurry up with the pictures already and get her out of the car seat!
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just because


After church, we sometimes go out to breakfast. While we were waiting for our food to arrive I took a couple of pictures of Riley being Riley...It's fun to see her personality start to show :)
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more stock show


Riley got to go to her first Stock show! She wasn't quite as excited as her parents were...okay mostly her mom:) We took her to see the Draft horse and Mule show. Amazing what those animals can do! After the show, we walked around all the vendors--Riley really impressed the guys at the John Deere booth, cruising around in her John Deere stroller. They all wanted one! In a couple more years she may be mutton bustin!*

*For those who don't know what mutton bustin is, it is when they let little kids ride on top of sheep and see if they can hold on for 8's like a little kids version of bull riding...quite comical to watch!
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National Western Stock Show



The National Western Stock Show has been a Denver tradition for over 100 years. People from all over the United States and Canada come here to compete in the rodeo, and show their livestock and horses. It is quite a two week event! Cattle auctions, horse and mule shows, and not to mention the rodeo's! If I beleived in reincarnation I desperatley want to come back as a rodeo queen/barell racer! I am so amazed and jealous every time I see those ladies ride! And who could resist wearing all those sparkles???? This year was extra special because we got to start our own family tradition of going to the stock show. If you ever want to come and visit, the second and third week of January is a great time! Even if you don't like country (angela...) you will still have a great time at the Stock show:)
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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hailey Grace


My nieice Hailey Grace turned a year old on the 14th of January. She is so precious! We can't wait to meet up with the Smith family again so we can give her lots of hugs and kisses:) HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAILEY! WE LOVE YOU:)
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Frequent Flier


On our trip to Centralia to visit my family, Riley got to fly on her first airplane. I was excited because her first airplane ride was on the airline I work for, SkyWest. Getting through security with her and all of her gear (i.e. stroller, car seat, etc) proved to be a challenge Dan and I passed with flying colors. I was feeling pretty good about us and how well we travelled....that was until it came to our trip back to Denver. Once again we rode on SkyWest out of Eugene, OR. As a dutiful mother and flight attendant I made sure to check Riley's diaper before we boarded. All was well. We got on board, were no more than 40 minutes into our flight when I noticed a certain smell...I looked down at Riley and low and behold she had had a blowout. So I took her to the bathroom to change her, no big deal right? HA! I have never seen so much poop in my life. And being a babysitter/nanny/flight attendant I have seen major poops. But not like this. This diaper was filled front to back, side to side, even the tabs had poop! I had to wipe the poop out of her bellybutton for heaven's sake! Have I mentioned all of this was done in an airplane lavetory??? Needless to say, I have saved her ticket stub--it will be going in her baby book...I am thinking this will be a good story to tell when her prom date comes over, graduation...ahhh motherhood...
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love love


As you can tell, Riley just loves her Grandma Evans :)
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11 months


This is a photo of cousins Kelsey Rose and Riley Joanne. Amazing what 11 months difference in age can make huh?! Kind of makes Dan and I enjoy each day just a little bit more with Riley as they grow up so fast!
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Evans Family Christmas


While we were in Centralia we got to have an extended Christmas with my family. As you can see Dad's tree was one of his BEST ever and everyone enjoyed their gifts. The only thing that could have made our trip more fun, would have been if my little sister Leanna and her family (jory, xander, caden, and hailey) could have been there too....We miss you Smith Family!!
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oops blonde moment

oops...this is the missing photo of Thomas and Zachary that was supposed to have been added to the meet my family post of these days I'll become computer savvy....

meet my family

About a week ago Miss Riley FINALLY got to go and meet the Mullin Family. Her Auntie Angela, Crazy Uncle Jerry (this is her favorite hat of his) and her cousins Thomas, Zachary, and Kelsey. She enjoyed meeting them very much. It is never a dull moment with them! Riley hopes they will be able to come to Colorado this summer so she can show them around the farm with her Dad and Uncle Matt.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

sob sob sniff sniff

Riley Jo got her first shots on Friday. Not fun for any of us. Dan and I did pretty well....we didn't cry but I teared up a bit. She is feeling much better now. Lots of snuggles and kisses do wonders. She wanted to show her war wounds......
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Saturday, January 3, 2009


It's only January and I have my Christmas/new years/baby announcements addressed, stamped (well most of them anyway...) and ready to go! Now... if I can just make sure they get to the mailbox*.......

*If you are wondering why you never got one last year--reread that last sentence :)