Thursday, August 20, 2009

Happy (belated) Birthday XANDER!


Our nephew Xander turned 6 on the 16th of August. WOW! I remember calling mom and dad's house on Christmas Eve from Rapid City, SD and Jerry (my brother-in-law) said "Guess how many there are of us here!" Well, I knew Angela was pregnant so I guessed 1 number higher, but I still wasn't right. So I tried naming everyone that was there, and I had all the right people....and then that's when Jerry said no....there's 1 more, Lanny do you want--and that's all I heard for I was screaming on the other end with delight!!! And that is how I heard the news that Xander was soon to be born. Hard to believe it was 6 years ago. Only feels like a few months :) Well Xander, you are a true delight and we hope you had a super duper fun birthday and we can't wait to come and see you real soon!
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Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Well, today was another milestone in the life and times of Riley Joanne...Within the last couple days she has figured out how to pull herself up to a standing position using the couch, ottoman, etc...
Since she is a bit more "mobile" these days I put a few toys in her crib and let her play so I could put some dishes away. I heard a different noise and she was a little "too" happy if you know what I mean...

...this is what I found :)




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New "DO"


Well here it is! The new "do"! I have cut my hair before, but never this short! Yikes! I have had it for about a week now, and am getting pretty used to it. Maybe for winter I will grow it out :)
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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Bathing Beauties

Kelsey and Riley enjoying Riley's new pool...they really enjoyed splashing around with each other. Neither one were too keen on the slide...maybe next year :)
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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Out on the Farm

Exploring the farm and having some good time family fun :)
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Denver Botanical Gardens


While Ang and Mom were here we took a trip out to see the Denver Botanical Gardens. Their theme was Jurrasic gardens this year and so there were a few "dinasoars" mixed in...too bad Thomas, Xander, Caden, and Zach-o weren't here! It was a very nice day. So many pretty flowers and plants...and my mom knew about 85% of them! If only I could remember all she told me!!! All in all we had a very good time and got some very pretty pictures :)
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