Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Days with Daddy


From trips to the Bass Pro Shop, yummy breakfast treats, and playing at the park...days with Daddy are pretty cool.

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I pretty Momma!


yeah....those aren't bruises on her face. I left my make-up bag within arms reach of a certain 2yr old. Next thing we knew, Riley was coming up to us saying 'Look Momma!! I put my make-up on!" "I Pretty!" Now who can argue with that? We may need to work on her skills a bit though....But not until she is at least 13.
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It was a very bright and sunny day in Colorado.
I was on my way home from work and my eyes were hurting from the bright sun.
Unfortunately, I did NOT have my sunglasses with me.
All I could find were a pair of Riley's.
Nice, huh?
C'Mon, you know you wish you had a pair like this!!!
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