Saturday, June 30, 2012


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Birthdays, graduations, and weddings fill our weekends!  First was cousin Jenny's birthday where we had hot  dogs, burgers, and roasted marshmallow's for smore's by the fire pit.  Then came Nicole Mettler's graduation where we got to eat cake with her school colors...can you guess was Riley's favorite?  Cousin Joey's graduation was next and we got to see lots of cousins we haven't seen in quite awhile!  Maesyn took to Cousin Teri's arm like nobody's business! If we could patent her arm as a pacifier we'd make millions!  Well, at least Maesyn thinks so.  We also got to spend a minute with cousin Brooke who came up for a visit with a SURPRISE!  She has been down in Argentina doing some work for the US Dept of Agriculture this last year.  Apparently she met a VERY nice man, named Crisitan,  and they got married!  They married in Argentina and her dad had a small reception here in the states which we had a blast attending and can't wait to go and visit them down in Argentina next summer.

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