Saturday, August 21, 2010

gift from Gramma and Papa Evans

SOOOOOOOOOO, while we were opening presents the mailman came--with a package for Dan! Wanted to get a video of him and Riley opening. BUT, our good camera isn't working (guess I shouldn't call it our "good"camera anymore!) and so I thought I would try our old camera. Unfortunatley I can't get any sound. What you missed were a few WOWEE!! From Riley and Dan and Dan telling Gramma and Papa Evans THANK YOU! AND Riley said Thank you Gramma and Thank you Papa. Hopefully we can get our camera fixed and/or get a new one. SOON!

All in all Dan has had a very nice birthday. Dan and I will be going on a "date" this evening to dinner and a movie:) Thank you everyone!


Mullin family said...

Happy birthday Dan!

Anonymous said...

Dan, Glad to hear you had a great Birthday!!! Looks like Riley was having fun too. Love to all, Tom and Juli