Monday, January 3, 2011

more Hudson Holiday

There was a huge model train set, Gingerbread Village, and beautiful lights draping the trees, and teepee's with holigrams!

More photo ops before we took our carriage ride around the park, with our horse Rosco :)

we just had such a fun time!
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Mullin family said...

Love Riley's snow suit, it's so fluffy, can she move in it? :)

Gibson Family said...

yeah, she can move :) well at least enough to drink her "coffee" aka hot chocolate...I think it was a 12 oz cup. She and dad were supposed to share...I don't think dad got any. We called her the pink snowflake

Anonymous said...

Yes, it was very fun!!! Loved the carriage ride. Reminded me of our Maine carriage ride. And just think it had "Warmed" up and wasn't 5 degrees like the night before. Lots of fun! Mom