Monday, January 30, 2012

Ever experience any of these???

Dan and I have to laugh because Riley has been sneaking in the middle of the night lately and coming into our bed. We are both so sleepy, we lack the energy at that time of night to get up and put her back in her bed, so in the middle she squeezes. And our nighttime adventures insue. A friend posted this on facebook and I literally had tears streaming down my face from laughter! Dan and I can honestly say we have experienced just about all of these positions!
Enjoy dear family and friends, may you gain as much laughter from our plight as we have, Enjoy...
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Mullin family said...

They forgot one. The Lake. When a child wakes up at 5:00am because they have to go to the bathroom, but, the child is too sleepy and climbs into mom & dad's bed instead. By 5:30am mom & dad wake up to The Lake. This was invented by Kelsey, last Saturday....

Gibson Family said...

Oh My Goodness! yes! I have awakened to the "LAKE" as well...not fun!! :)