Monday, April 16, 2012

Easter Eggs!

 A couple of days before Easter we went over to Great Grandma Bobbies house to decorate Easter Eggs.  Riley thought it was pretty fun and enjoyed showing Grandma Pam and Uncle Matt how its done.  Maesyn and myself were there too, but I forgot to take our picture...isn't that how it goes?  Albums full of family fun, without the mom because she's the one taking all the pictures???
Anyhoo, a big THANK YOU! to Great Grandma Bobbie for hard boiling all those eggs and Grandma Pam and Uncle Matt for setting up the dyes.  We had a grand ole time!
p.s. and Dan enjoyed the egg salad sandwiches that came after!!!
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Anonymous said...

Love the way Riley looks at Uncle Matt in the middle picture. She KNOWS he is a egg dying expert!!! Love to all MOM

Mullin family said...

YAY, you figures out the collage feature, on the new "improved" picasa :)